Some day I hope you see the consequences of your actions.
I know that I can do so much more without you.
Well babe, like they say about some things,
Well I guess something never changed.
I know that I can do so much more without you.
Well babe, like they say about some things,
Well I guess something never changed.

ja liikkeitä.
Kaikki mitä sä teet, mä huomaan pienetkin asiat jotka saa mun sydämen kehräämään. Silti musta on kehittynyt ihminen viime kuukausien aikana, joka ei oikein uskalla enää
sanoa tunteitaan ääneen. Se ärsyttää minua suunnattomasti, koska 'ennen vanhaan' olisin
vaan syöksynyt päätä pahkaa ihastumaan korvia myöten. Nyt vaan tuntuu, että mun kaikki tunteet on kuin henkilö joka seisoo varpaillaan ja odottaa
milloin matto viedään jalkojen alta.

No kaikki vie oman aikansa
ja en itke sitä, että menetin sinut,
vaan hymyilen koska en menettänyt sinua kokonaan, vaan osa sinusta
pysyy tuolla jossain sydämessä, muistoissa.
mitä tekisin mun tukalle..........=(
haluan jotain uutta ja äh, kelasin jos jostai jotai vaalentais
mut oon iha rähmäkäpälä ja en uskalla yksin ruveta sähläämään noiden väripurkkejen kans :D
vinkit tervetulleita! ♥
ps. sä aiheutat mulle tän olotilan. et mitä tapahtuu on kysymys joka toistaa itseään mun päässä.

You told me to stay put and reminded me why I was there.
Cold blooded and misguided, you thought that this would be your best,
Then you try to hide it. A chance to move ahead
Today was the day you tried to shut me down.
Today was the day you tried to shut me down.
Be honest,
Did you ever mention my name?
Did you get sick of the shame?
Did you lie on your back?
Be honest,
Did you ever mention my name?
Did you get sick of the shame?
Did you lie on your back like a whore?
Close-minded with no direction.
A chance to prove who you were
The friends who forgot to think of all of the things that you're not.
Today was the day you tried to shut me down.
Today was the day you tried to shut me down.
Today was the day you tried to shut me down.
Today was the day you tried to shut me down.
Be honest,
Did you ever mention my name?
Did you get sick of the shame?
Did you lie on your back?
Be honest,
Did you ever mention my name?
Did you get sick of the shame?
Did you lie on your back?
Be honest,
Did you ever mention my name?
Did you get sick of the shame?
Did you lie on your back like a whore?
If You Think This Song Is About You, It Probably Is

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